Overall Summary
Overall, Layla’s dual-sided design helps it appeal to a range of body types and sleep preferences. Its unique copper-infused memory foam should keep you cool and comfortable while you sleep.

Side Sleepers
The Layla earned top marks for this category, as side sleepers should feel exceptionally comfortable on the soft side, which delivers pressure relief to the hips and shoulders. Side sleepers tend to experience additional pressure because their body weight is concentrated on a smaller surface area, so the Layla should be an excellent match for this type of sleeper.

Back Sleepers
This mattress earned a 5/5 here because most back sleepers should feel comfortable on the bed’s firm side, which helps keep the body lifted for optimal spinal alignment while continuing to provide pressure relief to areas like the legs and shoulders.

Stomach Sleepers
The Layla also received high marks for stomach sleepers since the firm side should help prevent their hips from sinking too deeply, which is essential for proper spine alignment. Significantly heavier stomach sleepers, however, may enjoy a firmer hybrid option with more robust support.

Combination Sleepers
The Layla mattress scored a four for combo sleepers because memory foam can make it tough to reposition throughout the night. However, the firm side should better support sleepers who toss and turn, as long as they don’t spend too much time on their side.

The Layla scored a four because the foam slightly compresses when lying on the edge, though some couples with a bigger bed may not be bothered by that. Nevertheless, this mattress earned high marks for couples thanks to its ability to reduce motion transfer significantly, allowing you to move around without waking your partner.

Heavy Sleepers
The Layla isn’t the best option for heavier sleepers, which is why we scored this bed at a 3 in this category. Those with heavier weight considerations are likely limited to the Firm side, and if they’re over 200 pounds, the company suggests their Hybrid model instead for better support.

Lightweight Sleepers
Layla’s soft side is ideal for those who are significantly lightweight, which is why we gave this mattress a 5 here. The foams should still compress as intended, giving you the support and pressure relief your body needs. Lightweight stomach sleepers also have the option to use the firm side if they need more solid support in the hips.

Average Weight Sleepers
Average-weight sleepers should like both sides of the Layla mattress, depending on their preferred sleeping position. The mattress offers a deep hug on one side and gentle contouring on the other, which should fit a range of people weighing 130 to 200 pounds.
Overall Value
Overall, this mattress scored a 4/5 for memory bed lovers who want pressure relief with premium cooling features. The Layla’s dual-sided firmness levels make it a great value, plus it’s backed by a Lifetime Warranty.
Výraz “zdravotní matrace” používá dnes bohužel hodně prodejců. Skutečnost je však taková, že se jedná spíše o klamání zákazníka. Je důležité vědět, že „zdravotní“ matrace neexistují, jedná se pouze o zavádějící marketingový tah. Ministerstvem zdravotnictví je povolen pouze název zdravotnický prostředek, který může používat pouze ten, kdo má klinické hodnocení. Pokud někdo používá uvedené názvy, žádejte o předložení opravňujících dokladů. Nevěřte, že 100% „přírodní“ matraci lze vyrobit, protože její složení by muselo být ze 100% přírodní bavlny, vlny atd. Upozorňujeme, že 100% přírodní latex obsahuje podle lékařského výzkumu více než 150 bílkovin, z nichž 35 může působit jako alergen. Polyurethanové pěny používáme výhradně od sdružení Eurofoam z jejich závodů v Německu. Materiály mají Oeko-Tex® testy a mohou být používány i v kojeneckém věku, neobsahují ftaláty. Velmi důležitým faktorem při výběru je klima matrací, vzdušnost, propustnost a hlavně úprava proti roztočům.
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